HASS Family History

2020 Reunion Album - Vintage Collection

1939 in LA Hamburger House
1944 CA beach
1958 Family plus Judi
Ad 8 months old
Bob 1942 mine sweeper
Bob and Mary
Conyers 1
craig curtis mary
craig curtis maybe
G&G Jeffers hooper
Glam Couple
jeffers clan
Judi 1948
Judi 1951
Judi 1952 with guns

Judi 1970s
Judi 5 years old
Judi Ally Twin
judi bob mom
Judi Cast
Judi Glam
Judi in NY 1964
Judi Lianne
Judi maybe
Judi NY 1964 MJH Nice Hat
Judi Poppa Jellystone 1953
Judi Whitier
M&D traveling
Marty bahamas
Mom & Nonnie 1932
Mom 17 and Judi 1
Mom or Judi
Mom Tosha Kemah Boat

Mom with Perm
N&P at the beach
N&P late 70s Kemah
N&P Nevada 1953
Nonnie 1908
Nonnie 1916 9 years old
Nonnie 22 years old 1929
Nonnie and Gma Vaughn
Nonnie in middle Dearborn MI about 20
P Crushing it at work
Poppa 1 Lester brothr hooper
Poppa 3 yars old hooper
Poppa and Bob
Poppa and Mom 1932
Poppa Bball 1922
Spencer and Mom
Trailer and cookies

Reunion Photos 10-1
Reunion Photos 1-1
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Reunion Photos 12-1
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Reunion Photos 15-1
Reunion Photos 16-1
Reunion Photos 17-1
Reunion Photos 18-1
Reunion Photos 25-1
Reunion Photos 26-1
Reunion Photos 27-1
Reunion Photos 28-1
Reunion Photos 4-1
Reunion Photos 7-1

Many of the pictures displayed are small versions. Simply click on the image to see an enlargement.

Our thanks to Dennis Partridge and Marsha Bryant for graciously hosting this HASS Family History website on their servers.